Case Study: Clinics who Offer Same Day COVID Test Results Experience Influx of Patients with EDDM

In the last few months, we have worked with several local clinics who offer COVID-19 testing. Many these facilities now offer same day results to their patients. Thanks to their investment in Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM), residents in the areas surrounding these clinics have become aware that they can get tested for COVID and receive immediate results at a facility just down the road from where they live.

The reason that EDDM postcards are so effective is because they consciously target recipients in a specific geographic area. This area can be a specific zip code, or it can be a radius that surrounds the clinic. Catdi can develop the campaign along either one of these lines, allowing a clinic to send a reminder to everyone in the area to come to the clinic if they experience any of the symptoms generally indicative of COVID-19.

We have already done this for several clinics in the Houston area that offer same day test results. Not only were we able to target houses and apartment buildings in the areas surrounding these clinics, but we were also able to send mail to many local businesses. People who worked at these businesses received an EDDM postcard informing them that there was a facility located within minutes of their workplace that could give them immediate test results should they experience any of the symptoms of COVID-19 infection.

The results have been quite impressive. People have shown up at these clinics after receiving an EDDM postcard in the mail. Some even had the postcard with them because it had the clinic address, along with a map, that showed them exactly where to find the facility. Many residents and workers in these areas mentioned that they had driven by the clinic dozens of times but never noticed it. This is understandable, because none of us ever WANT to be sick and do our best not to think about it. When we drive by a hospital or doctors office or local clinic, our minds can quickly block it out because it is a place, we hope we never have to visit.

However, with the current pandemic, we all need to be mindful of the importance of testing and where we can get tested if we evidence any symptoms of Coronavirus infection. In addition we have created a resource page to help all those affected by the virus. Those of you who work in healthcare know this better than anyone. It is better to find out and know for certain than to ignore the symptoms or tell yourself it’s nothing. With so many people now taking the pandemic more seriously than they initially did, it is important to let your local area residents know where you are, what your hours are, and what you can do to help them take the best possible steps for their own wellbeing.

Catdi has always been proactive in meeting the challenges of this pandemic. We were one of the first marketing companies in the area to post free COVID-19 materials for any business to download and print for their storefront, office, or restaurant. We have maintained contact with all our existing customers and offered specials to accommodate for the inevitable cash flow crisis that has businesses throughout the world. Most importantly, we have been very providing affordable EDDM postcard advertising for as dentists, emergency rooms, family doctors, and clinics.

With the recent surge in COVID-19 cases, testing becomes more important than ever. Despite CDC advisements against travelling this holiday season, many people will still be visiting family for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is imperative that you encourage testing for people who live and work near your clinic to ensure their own good health before visiting family members whose age or preexisting health conditions could make them acutely vulnerable to COVID-19. Call Catdi now at 713-882-4629 for a free design consultation and discount quote on EDDM postcard advertising.