Why The 4 X 6 Postcard is (still) King

4 X 6 Postcards

Last Updated on September 4, 2023 by Carlos Alonso

4 X 6 postcards have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their convenient size and versatility. While larger postcard sizes like 6 X 11 and 6 X 9 have become more popular, the 4 X 6 still has a place in your direct mail marketing efforts. Businesses and individuals alike have found them to be an effective marketing tool that can reach a wide audience at a low cost. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind their popularity and how they can benefit your business or personal endeavors..So why wait? Start using them today and watch your business grow! Catdi Printing offers a wide range of coatings, stocks and options when it comes to our 4 X 6 Postcards.

Table of Contents

What are 4 x 6 postcards?

A 4 x 6 postcard is a small, rectangular piece of cardstock that measures 4 inches by 6 inches. It is commonly used as a marketing tool by businesses to promote their products or services. The front side of the postcard usually has an image or design along with a brief message, while the back side is reserved for the recipient’s address and a space for writing a message.

Types of Postcards

There are two main types of postcards: single-sided and double-sided. Single-sided postcards have information printed on only one side, while double-sided ones have information printed on both sides. Double-sided postcards are more versatile because they can contain more information and can be used for different purposes.

Uses of Postcards

Postcards can be used for various purposes such as advertising, promotions, invitations, announcements, and reminders. They are also commonly used to send greetings or messages to friends and family members who live far away.

Benefits of Using 4 X 6 Postcards

  • Cost-effective: Postcards are relatively inexpensive to print and mail compared to other forms of advertising such as flyers or brochures.
  • Easily customizable: Postcards can be designed in different sizes, shapes, colors, and styles to suit any business needs.
  • Highly targeted: Postcards can be sent directly to specific audiences based on demographics or geographic location.
  • Easy to track: The response rate from postcard campaigns can be easily tracked using unique codes or phone numbers printed on them.

The History of 4 x 6 Postcards

The history of postcards dates back to the mid-1800s when they were first introduced in Europe. The first postcards were plain and had no images or designs on them. They were used primarily for sending short messages or notes.

In the early 1900s, postcards became more popular and started to feature colorful images and designs. They were used as souvenirs, greetings, and advertising tools. During this time, the United States Postal Service also began to issue pre-stamped postcards that could be purchased at any post office.

Today, postcards are still widely used for various purposes, including marketing and advertising. The 4 x 6 size is one of the most common sizes used for postcards because it is small enough to be easily mailed but large enough to contain a message and an image.

Evolution of Postcard Designs

Over time, postcard designs have evolved from plain text messages to colorful images and catchy slogans. In the early days of postcards, they were often printed with scenic views or landmarks from different cities or countries. Today, businesses use eye-catching graphics and bold colors to grab people’s attention.

The use of technology has also made it easier for businesses to design and print customized postcards quickly and efficiently. Digital printing technology allows for high-quality prints with vibrant colors and sharp images.

Who Uses 4 x 6 Postcards the Most?

Businesses of all sizes use 4 x 6 postcards as a marketing tool to promote their products or services. Small businesses such as local restaurants, hair salons, or dry cleaners can benefit from using postcards because they are cost-effective and can be targeted to specific neighborhoods or zip codes.

Larger companies such as retailers or service providers also use postcards to promote sales, events, or new products. Postcards can be sent to existing customers as a way to keep them engaged and informed about the business.

Non-profit organizations also use postcards to raise awareness about their cause or upcoming events. Postcards can be sent to donors or supporters as a way of thanking them for their contributions and keeping them updated on the organization’s activities.

Where to Buy 4 x 6 Postcards

4 x 6 postcards can be purchased from various sources such as online printing companies, local print shops, or office supply stores. Online printing companies like Catdi Printing offer a wide range of design templates and customization options that make it easy for businesses to create high-quality postcards quickly and affordably.

Local print shops may offer more personalized services such as custom designs or bulk discounts for larger orders. Office supply stores often have pre-designed postcard templates that businesses can use and print in-house using their own printer.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Printing Company

  • Pricing: Compare prices from different printing companies and choose one that offers competitive rates without compromising quality.
  • Design options: Look for a company that offers a variety of design templates or allows you to upload your own artwork.
  • Printing quality: Check reviews or samples of previous work to ensure that the company produces high-quality prints with vibrant colors and sharp images.
  • Timeliness: Choose a company that can deliver your order within your desired timeframe.

Why Businesses Prefer Using 4 x 6 Postcards for Advertising

Businesses prefer using 4 x 6 postcards for advertising because they are cost-effective, versatile, and highly targeted. Compared to other forms of advertising such as billboards or television ads, postcards are relatively inexpensive to print and mail.

Postcards can also be customized to suit any business needs. They can contain images, graphics, and text that promote a specific product or service. Postcards can be sent directly to specific audiences based on demographics or geographic location, making them highly targeted and effective.

Benefits of Using 4 x 6 Postcards for Advertising

  • Creative freedom: Businesses have complete creative control over the design and message on their postcards.
  • Highly targeted: Postcards can be sent directly to specific audiences based on demographics or geographic location.
  • Cost-effective: Postcards are relatively inexpensive to print and mail compared to other forms of advertising such as billboards or television ads.
  • Easily measurable: The response rate from postcard campaigns can be easily tracked using unique codes or phone numbers printed on them.

The Effectiveness of 4 x 6 Postcards in Marketing Campaigns

4 x 6 postcards are an effective marketing tool because they are attention-grabbing, easy to read, and memorable. The size of the postcard is small enough to be easily mailed but large enough to contain a message and an image that catches people’s attention.

Postcards can also be designed in a way that makes them easy to read and understand. The message should be clear and concise, with a strong call-to-action that encourages recipients to take action such as visiting a website or making a purchase.

Tips for Creating Effective Postcard Campaigns

  • Create eye-catching designs: Use bold colors, graphics, and images that grab people’s attention and make them want to read more.
  • Keep the message simple: The message should be clear and concise, with a strong call-to-action that encourages recipients to take action.
  • Target specific audiences: Postcards can be sent directly to specific audiences based on demographics or geographic location, making them highly targeted and effective.
  • Include a unique offer: Offer recipients a special discount or promotion that encourages them to take action.

The Benefits of Using a 4 x 6 Postcard Over Other Marketing Materials

There are several benefits of using a 4 x 6 postcard over other marketing materials such as flyers or brochures. Postcards are cost-effective, easy to design, and highly targeted. They also have a higher response rate compared to other forms of advertising because they are attention-grabbing and memorable.

Flyers and brochures can be more expensive to print and mail than postcards. They also require more time and effort to design because they contain more information than postcards. Flyers and brochures may not be as effective in reaching specific audiences because they are often distributed in public places where anyone can pick them up.

Benefits of Using Postcards Over Flyers or Brochures

  • Cost-effective: Postcards are relatively inexpensive to print and mail compared to other marketing materials such as flyers or brochures.
  • Easily customizable: Postcards can be designed quickly and easily using pre-designed templates or custom artwork.
  • Highly targeted: Postcards can be sent directly to specific audiences based on demographics or geographic location.
  • Easily measurable: The response rate from postcard campaigns can be easily tracked using unique codes or phone numbers printed on them.

The Cost of Printing and Mailing a Batch of 4 x 6 Postcards

The cost of printing and mailing a batch of 4 x 6 postcards can vary depending on several factors such as the quantity, design complexity, and mailing list. On average, the cost can range from $0.25 to $0.50 per postcard.

Printing costs can be reduced by ordering in bulk or choosing a simpler design that requires less ink or special effects. Mailing costs can also be reduced by using a targeted mailing list that eliminates unnecessary postage fees.

Factors That Affect Postcard Printing and Mailing Costs

  • Quantity: The more postcards ordered, the lower the per-unit cost.
  • Design complexity: Designs with more colors or special effects may require more ink and increase printing costs.
  • Mailing list: Using a targeted mailing list reduces unnecessary postage fees for undeliverable addresses.
  • Postage rates: Postage rates may vary depending on the size and weight of the postcard, as well as the destination address.

The Best Time to Send Out a Batch of 4 x 6 Postcards for Maximum Impact

The best time to send out a batch of 4 x 6 postcards depends on the purpose of the campaign and the target audience. For example, if the campaign is promoting a seasonal sale or event, it should be sent out at least two weeks before the start date to give recipients enough time to plan their visit.

If the campaign is targeting specific holidays such as Christmas or Valentine’s Day, it should be sent out at least four weeks before the holiday to ensure that recipients have enough time to make purchases or reservations.

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Time to Send Postcards

  • Purpose of the campaign: The timing of the campaign should align with its purpose, such as promoting a sale or event.
  • Target audience: The timing of the campaign should consider the habits and preferences of the target audience, such as when they are most likely to make purchases.
  • Holidays or special events: Campaigns targeting holidays or special events should be sent out at least four weeks in advance.
  • Seasonal factors: Campaigns that are affected by seasonal factors such as weather or tourism should be timed accordingly.

Designing an Effective and Eye-Catching 4 x 6 Postcard That Stands Out from the Competition

To design an effective and eye-catching 4 x 6 postcard, businesses should consider several factors such as color, typography, imagery, and layout. The design should be visually appealing and easy to read while conveying a clear message and call-to-action.

The use of bold colors, high-quality images, and creative typography can help grab people’s attention and make them want to read more. The layout should be clean and organized, with a clear hierarchy that guides readers through the message.

Tips for Designing Effective Postcards

  • Use bold colors: Bright colors can grab people’s attention and make your postcard stand out from other mail pieces.
  • Incorporate high-quality images: Use high-resolution images that are relevant to your message and brand identity.
  • Create a clear hierarchy: Organize your information in a way that guides readers through the message and call-to-action.
  • Make it easy to read: Use legible fonts and a font size that is easy to read, even from a distance.

Businesses That Have Had Success Using 4 x 6 Postcards in Their Marketing Campaigns

Many businesses have had success using 4 x 6 postcards in their marketing campaigns. Local restaurants, hair salons, and dry cleaners have used postcards to promote special offers or discounts to specific neighborhoods or zip codes.

Retailers such as clothing stores or home goods stores have used postcards to promote seasonal sales or new product launches. Non-profit organizations such as animal shelters or environmental groups have used postcards to raise awareness about their cause and encourage donations.

Examples of Successful Postcard Campaigns

    • A local restaurant sent out postcards with a coupon for a free appetizer with the purchase of an entree. The campaign resulted in a 20% increase in sales during the promotional period.
    • A clothing store sent out postcards promoting a seasonal sale on winter coats. The campaign resulted in a 15% increase in foot traffic during the sale period.
    • An animal shelter sent out postcards featuring photos of adoptable pets and encouraging donations. The campaign resulted in a 25% increase in donations compared to the previous year.

The Downsides to Using a Smaller-Sized Marketing Material Like a 4 x 6 Postcard Over Larger Ones Like Posters or Billboards

Limited Space for Information

One of the biggest downsides to using smaller marketing materials like postcards is that there is limited space for information. This means that businesses have to be strategic about what information they include on the postcard and how they present it. It can be challenging to convey a complex message or showcase multiple products or services in such a small space.

Less Visibility

Another downside to using smaller marketing materials is that they have less visibility compared to larger ones like posters or billboards. While postcards can be effective at targeting specific audiences, they may not be as effective at reaching a wider audience. This is because smaller marketing materials are often overlooked or discarded by people who are not interested in the product or service being advertised.

Tracking the Effectiveness of Your Marketing Campaign When Using Printed and Mailed-Out Postcards

Include Unique Tracking Codes

One way to track the effectiveness of your marketing campaign when using printed and mailed-out postcards is to include unique tracking codes on each postcard. These codes can be used to track how many people responded to the offer, how many sales were made, and other important metrics.

Use Analytics Tools

Another way to track the effectiveness of your marketing campaign is to use analytics tools. Many online printing companies offer analytics tools that allow you to track the performance of your postcard campaign in real-time. These tools can provide valuable insights into which postcards are performing well and which ones need improvement.

How Technology Has Impacted the Use of Printed Marketing Materials Like the Traditional Postcard

Digital Printing Technology

One of the biggest ways technology has impacted the use of printed marketing materials like postcards is through digital printing technology. Digital printing allows businesses to print high-quality postcards quickly and efficiently, making it easier and more cost-effective to create targeted marketing campaigns.

Online Printing Services

Another way technology has impacted the use of printed marketing materials is through online printing services. These services allow businesses to design and order postcards online, making it easier to create custom campaigns that target specific audiences. Online printing services also offer a range of customization options, including different paper stocks, finishes, and sizes.

The Future Popularity of Printed Marketing Materials Like the Traditional Postcard in the Age of Digital Advertising Methods

Niche Targeting

While digital advertising methods are becoming increasingly popular, there will always be a place for printed marketing materials like postcards. In fact, as digital advertising becomes more crowded and competitive, niche targeting with printed materials may become even more effective at reaching specific audiences.


Another reason why printed marketing materials like postcards may continue to be popular in the future is because they offer a level of personalization that cannot be achieved with digital methods. With printed materials, businesses can create customized messages that resonate with their target audience on a deeper level. This can lead to increased engagement and higher conversion rates.

In conclusion, 4 X 6 postcards are popular due to their versatility, affordability, and effectiveness in reaching a wide audience.omote your business or event and leave a lasting impression on potential customers.

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Carlos Alonso - I Love Everything Print!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing! Not all articles are created equal—the quality of writing depends on how much caffeine I had that day. As the owner of Catdi Printing, I'm here to help big and small businesses grow with effective print marketing. I look forward to working with you and helping you enhance your marketing skills and knowledge.Let's chat!Carlos