Are You Ready? Which Business REALLY Do Well wtih EDDM

Last Updated on August 29, 2013 by Carlos Alonso

What Businesses Benefit the Most from Every Door Direct Mail?

In the past three years, we have seen Every Door Direct Mail offer exceptional returns for a number of business types. While EDDM is effective, to some extent, for almost every organization, the following business types have enjoyed the greatest returns on their investment.

As a printing company, we have also been able to custom design the marketing materials themselves that help promote the specific offerings that each of these organizations deliver.


Many people do not think of going to a dentist until they feel a severe pain of some kind in their mouth. When this happens, they begin frantically searching online for a dentist. Ironically, they typically find dentists several miles away, not knowing that there is someone right around the corner from where they live. Every Door Direct Mail can remind people within 2-5 miles of a small dental office that someone who may possibly be within walking distance is right down the street from them. This makes it not only convenient for the customer in terms of access, but also in terms of personal safety if any type of pain killer is administered during the visit.

Dentists can also offer specials on teeth cleaning and teeth whitening services to people less than 10 minutes away from their office.


Every Door Direct Mail allows even a small law firm to attract business from people who may not realize just how many situations in life could use legal counsel. Homeowners frequently find themselves in contract disputes with service providers, traffic tickets they did not respect, and a variety of work or business related conflicts that are too complex to address on their own.

Local attorneys can remind persons in their immediate vicinity that many of these issues can be handled out of court if the person has the right information and game plan to address them. Most attorneys offer a free consultation for such information followed by an hourly rate for more detailed services. EDDM is an excellent way to get people in the area to call for a free phone consultation the next time they face a challenge that could potentially land them in court if they do not take the right steps in the beginning.

This helps establish connections with local residents that will eventually result in billable hours for any situation that cannot be solved in 30 minutes or less over the phone.

Dry Cleaners

Practically everyone needs a dry cleaner, and the most convenient dry cleaners are the ones located on the way to work and on the way home. Offering specials to people along with a map to the location is an excellent way to draw in customers. Every Door Direct Mail provides both a reminder to local residents and an incentive to simply stop by a location they probably drive by every day without noticing.


Every Door Direct Mail has been very effective in helping local churches grow. Over the past 20 years, churches have taken a more community-based approach to religious activity. Family events, programs for students, activities for singles, and special events for children are commonly held in churches of all sizes. Reaching out to a neighborhood base that routinely seeks out such events is an ideal way for religious institutions to offer a practical blend of beliefs, values, and daily life that makes religion relevant to information and activity oriented society.

To get started with Every Door Direct Mail, a business simply needs to specify the geographic area in which it wishes to promote a service, product, or event. If the business wants to offer specials or discounts, Catdi can handle the design of any coupons, flyers, or promotional pieces and bundle these services into the investment in USPS EDDM delivery.

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Carlos Alonso - I Love Everything Print!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing! Not all articles are created equal—the quality of writing depends on how much caffeine I had that day. As the owner of Catdi Printing, I'm here to help big and small businesses grow with effective print marketing. I look forward to working with you and helping you enhance your marketing skills and knowledge.Let's chat!Carlos