Are You Using the Best Direct Mail Company for Your Business?

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Carlos Alonso

Finding the best direct mail company can take a significant amount of time, effort, and research. A common mistake made is to just choose the first printer that you find and go with them. There are some ways to tell whether your current printer is the best one to handle your direct mail campaign needs or if you should start searching for a better printer instead.

1. The Best Direct Mail Company Will Have Professional Advice and Assistance Available When Needed

One sign that you are using the best direct mail company is the professional assistance and advice that is available if you need it. If your printer can not provide this then you may have to find a graphic designer, copywriter, and other assorted professionals as well as a printer. Some companies keep these professionals on staff, and they are available for an extra charge.

2. The Printer Works With You to Stay Within Budget

A great printer will work with you and help guide you based on your budget and print needs and preferences. These companies will not try to push you into options or services that you don’t really need just to pad the bill and make more on your order. If the company does not inquire about the available budget this could be a red flag.

3. You Can Expect Top Quality With Every Order

Another sign that you are using the best direct mail company possible is that you will get high quality on a consistent basis. The last thing you want is for one order to be perfect and then the next time you end up with flawed or unacceptable materials. The right printer will deliver the same consistent quality every single time.

4. Quote Accuracy is Crucial

When you get a quote for the order that you need double check the accuracy. You will need to list everything about your order from paper stock and inks used to any special methods or finishing techniques that you want to add. If the quote does not reflect your order down to the smallest detail then the printer may not be right.

5. The Printer Consistently Meets the Delivery Schedule for Each Order

Delivery is another important factor when you are trying to determine whether you have the best direct mail company for your business and printing needs. If a print company gives you a delivery schedule for your order then this should be met. The best printer will make sure you get your order on time every time without any excuses.

6. You Have a Range of Finishing Options and Special Techniques from which to Choose

If you want to use the best direct mail company then you need to evaluate the finishing options and special techniques that are available. These elements can help you create unique and highly customized items that really stand out and show your company in the best possible light. Avoid a printer who has a very limited offering in these areas.

7. The Mailing Lists Offered or Used are Accurate and Current

In order to determine the best direct mail company you also need to look at the mailing lists if the printer will be supplying these. You want lists that are verified, current, and highly accurate. Even a few mistakes on a large list can cost you time and money both. You may choose to provide your own mailing lists for the printer to use as well.

Dead listings waste money so you want to make sure that every single listing has been verified and is completely up to date when you purchase the information.

8. Your Mailers are Delivered on Time Every Time

Timely delivery is a big element of any direct mail campaign. After spending weeks or months preparing for the big day it is important that your mailer is sent out and delivered according to your campaign schedule.

9. Exact Color Matching is Not a Problem and Proofs are Accessible

Color matching and proof access can help you identify the best direct mail company. If your colors are even slightly off this can have an impact on the look and appeal of your mailer. If the printer refuses to allow you to see proofs in the format that you prefer this can also be a clue that the printer may not be the best choice for your company.

Your paper and ink selections can also have an enormous impact on how true colors reproduce in print.

Source: Sue Chastain

10. Competitive Pricing and Exceptional Customer Service are Both Important

The right print company will offer competitive pricing for your area and you should expect nothing less than exceptional customer service. If you seem to get the runaround, you cannot contact someone who can answer questions or address your concerns, or the prices charged seem excessive then you may want to look for another printer.

What else do you think is important when trying to find the best direct mail company and why?

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Carlos Alonso - I Love Everything Print!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing! Not all articles are created equal—the quality of writing depends on how much caffeine I had that day. As the owner of Catdi Printing, I'm here to help big and small businesses grow with effective print marketing. I look forward to working with you and helping you enhance your marketing skills and knowledge.Let's chat!Carlos