Here’s How to Find the Best Printing Companies in Dallas Texas

printing companies in dallas

Last Updated on January 13, 2021 by Carlos Alonso

Print isn’t dead yet! In fact, about 85% of consumers say they’re more likely to shop from a business that uses custom, professionally printed business materials. Whether you’re printing business cards, signs, banners, or flyers, every print project can help.

It’s not enough to create flyers using your office printer, though.

In fact, another 90% of customers said the quality of the print materials indicates the quality of the company’s services. Choosing the right printing companies in Dallas, Texas for your project could make a big difference.

Not sure where to start your search? Here are five tips that can help you find the best printing companies around!

Find the help you need with these tips today.

1. Specify the Services

Before you start researching different printing companies in Dallas, Texas, it’s important to recognize what you need. Otherwise, you might get lost in the different options available.

Take the time to consider what print materials you want to create. These could include:

  • Flyers
  • Mailers
  • Coupons
  • Banners
  • Business cards
  • Newsletters
  • Stickers
  • Magnets
  • Booklets

Do you need a company that can print and send out your materials? Maybe you’re focused on printing companies that have graphic design services, too.

By specifying the services you need, you can narrow down your search.

Make sure you understand the benefits of the different types of print materials, too.  For example, direct mail offers a 29% return on investment. Do you need one material printed or various services?

As you research “printing companies near me,” ask each business about the services they offer. See if they can provide samples before you hire them, too. That way, you can ensure the materials meet your quality standards.

2. Explore Previous Projects

It’s difficult to know if a printing company has the skill set you need without seeing proof of their abilities first. As you contact different printing companies in the area, ask to see their previous projects.

Many printing companies will boast about their top-notch services and high-quality print materials. You don’t have to take them at their word, though. Instead, take a look at their work.

Ask to see samples of the same print materials you want for your own business.

Some companies will post samples on their website. However, it can also help to look at physical copies. Do the colors look crisp and consistent?

How do the print materials feel? Do the colors bleed together?

If the print materials don’t meet your expectations, scratch that printing company off your list.

It’s important that you find a print company that offers the best possible services. Otherwise, the low quality they produce could impact your company’s reputation.

3. Read up on Reviews

Remember, you don’t have to believe everything you hear from a business. As you research different printing companies in Dallas, Texas, take your research online. You can learn a lot by reading reviews from previous clients.

You can find reviews on the company’s website, their Better Business Bureau listing, and their Google My Business listing.

Make sure to read reviews from more than one resource. There’s a chance the company handpicked the best reviews to feature on their website.

Reviews can give you a better sense of the company’s reputation. Do clients trust they can rely on the printing company? Does the print company meet client expectations?

If the company doesn’t appear trustworthy or responsive, mark them off your list.

Pay attention to reviews that discuss customer service, too. You’ll want to find a company that communicates well with clients. Otherwise, you might struggle to hear back regarding your projects.

Which company is most likely to respond to your questions and needs? Which one has left a positive impression on their clients?

It’s normal to find one or two negative reviews. It’s hard to please everyone. If you see an extensive number of complaints, however, keep searching.

4. Look for Experience

How long has the printing company you’re researching operated in the area? Have they survived competition in Dallas, Texas over the years? Before you choose a printing company, look into their history.

A brand new printing company is likely working out the kinks in their business model. You might experience issues with them down the road.

Instead, look for a company with a team that has years of experience under its belt. They’ll know how to help you solve any issues you experience. They’ll also know how to best help you with your printing projects.

As you speak with different printing companies in Dallas, make sure to ask them questions to learn more about their expertise.

Did they struggle to answer any of your questions? Are they capable of helping you achieve your printing goals?

Choosing a team with years of experience will help you remain organized and efficient with your projects.

5. Compare Costs

As you begin narrowing down your options, take the time to compare the costs for each of the print materials you need. Comparing costs will help you recognize the expected return on investment.

What factors go into the pricing for each of your projects? For example, you might choose certain flourishes or paper materials that can impact the price.

You might find different print companies have vastly different pricing structures. That’s okay. Comparing multiple companies in the area will give you a better idea of the pricing.

Remember, you want to find a company that meets your standards. You’ll likely end up paying more for top quality services.

Choosing a company that offers a lower price point, however, could cost you in the long run.

Fit to Print: How to Find the Best Printing Companies in Dallas, Texas

Ready to gather your print materials and start marketing your business? Keep these five tips on how to find the best printing companies in Dallas, Texas handy. With these tips, you can narrow down your options to find the services you need.

Want to speed up your search? We’re here to help!

Discover all the services you need in one place. Request a quote from our team today!

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Carlos Alonso - I Love Everything Print!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing! Not all articles are created equal—the quality of writing depends on how much caffeine I had that day. As the owner of Catdi Printing, I'm here to help big and small businesses grow with effective print marketing. I look forward to working with you and helping you enhance your marketing skills and knowledge.Let's chat!Carlos