Micro websites/single page websites from Catdi

Micro websites or single page websites have merged as a popular trend in last couple of years. As the name suggests, single page websites are the ones that fit on a single page. They are fully loaded I the initial page load, or page zones get replaced with new page fragments that are loaded the server on demand. This offers a more continuous and fluid user experience.

Not every business needs a large full-blown website. Small businesses such as local bakeries, coffee shops, restaurants, and dry cleaners can do with just one page worth of information. Apart from this, micro websites or single page websites also give you an opportunity to say something completely different from what your main website says. It can also complement your website, but offer or promote something specific to select set of customers. Whatever be your needs, Catdi can create a single page website with custom design and expert branding.

Even though we call them micro websites, they are impactful and effectively deliver short and crisp messages to the customer, and have the ability to give a boost to your marketing ROI. No matter the purpose of your single page website, whether to inform customers, enhance the SEO campaign, promote an offer, or encourage interaction, micro websites offer the perfect solution.

It is a particularly effective way for the small businesses that are just beginning their online journey. With one eye on budget, the small business owners can create a web presence that is effective and impactful.

Catdi offers micro websites or single page websites that are loaded on WordPress CMS websites. They are easy to use, update, and look as impressive as their larger full-blown counterparts do. Here are several ways in which Catdi micro websites or single websites can help your business:

Increase your customer base

For a small business, such as a small coffee shop or bakery web presence can mean that they can now effectively reach out to a larger set of customers, and can always stay at the forefront of their minds. With small data capture form on their single page website, they can get the visitors to leave their details in exchange of a special offer.

Boost marketing and branding

There is nothing quite as cost effective as a micro website when it comes to promoting your brand or products and services to a new set of customers. These micro websites are a fun and interesting way to reach out to customers and promote your brand and business.

Search engine optimization

With the help of an optimized micro website, you can target specific keywords and key phrases, and reach to the top of search engine page results. So, when someone comes looking for a bakery in a specific neighborhood on Houston, they will find your site sitting on the top of the results page. It opens up a world of opportunities for your business.

Better reputation

Having web presence sets you apart from your competitors who are yet to take the plunge. Businesses that have effective websites enjoy a better reputation among customers. So, this small investment can go a long way in establishing your credibility and reputation.

Timeline and costs

Once you tell us that you need a micro website for you business, we will make sure that it is up and running in a matter of days. If you are wondering how much it is going to cost you then you will be surprised at the answer. You can have your single page website ready in less than 1k. So, get in touch right now to have your own micro website ready.