5 Tips on Choosing a Printing Company to Handle your Direct Mail

Last Updated on August 31, 2021 by Carlos Alonso

If you are in the process of choosing a printing company to handle all of your direct mail needs then there are some helpful tips that will assist you in getting the best possible results. This decision can be one of the most important ones that you will make for your company. The first step is to compare consumer reviews for each professional printer under consideration.

A common mistake is to look at the cost and ignore everything else. But quality is even more important and will determine the final results that your direct mail campaign sees. Another issue that may come up frequently is timely delivery. You should pick a business that offers a guarantee in this area and has exceptional reviews and ratings concerning this aspect.

You need to know before you place an order whether the printer will handle the recipient printing and mailing process or if this will be done by a third party. Another top consideration when choosing a printing company is how much experience the company has with similar orders. Moreover, whether they are extremely knowledgeable with the methods and techniques required.

1. Compare Consumer Reviews when Choosing a Printing Company

Consumer reviews and online rating websites can tell you a lot about a specific printing company. Using these resources can help you weed out entities that may provide poor customer service, or identify ones that do not give the best possible results. No business can satisfy every single customer but they should have a majority of high ratings from most of their customers.

2. Never let Cost be the Most Important Consideration

When choosing a printing company for your direct mail order do not make your decision just because they offer an incredibly cheap price. You may get exactly what you pay for. These materials reflect your business and product or service image. If they look cheap or are low quality then people will assume that you cut corners at the expense of quality, and you do not want this image.

3. Make Sure the Printer can Deliver on Time

If the printing company does not deliver your order on time then the missed deadline could cost you dearly in some situations. In the convention you may need materials sent out before the event then a late delivery could leave you unprepared. This could cost you a considerable amount of attention and sales. Ask if the printer has a delivery guarantee for the order.

4. Who will Handle the Recipient Information and Mailing Process?

An important issue to find out about when choosing a printing company is whether the printing company handles the recipient information and mailing process in house. Or does a third party have to be used instead? If the business has to send the order out for these steps then you could see a longer delay before they are mailed and the cost may be higher due to additional transportation requirements.

5. Make sure your Printer has Direct Mail Experience and Knowledge

How much knowledge and experience does the printing company have with your actual direct mail requirements? This is important because the best results require considerable experience and extensive knowledge in the printing options and features that you are looking for. Someone who just started out in the industry is less likely to provide exceptional results.

What tips can you share about choosing a printing company and how will these help others?

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Carlos Alonso - I Love Everything Print!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing! Not all articles are created equal—the quality of writing depends on how much caffeine I had that day. As the owner of Catdi Printing, I'm here to help big and small businesses grow with effective print marketing. I look forward to working with you and helping you enhance your marketing skills and knowledge.Let's chat!Carlos