Advertising and Marketing Strategies for Houston Lawyers and Law Firms

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Last Updated on August 29, 2013 by Carlos Alonso

Recognized as the leading provider of printing and website services to some of the top law firms in the country, CATDI knows how to make its clients the stand-out among other firms. By assisting clients in all aspects of attorney direct mail campaigns, legal marketing services, and website hosting and design, CATDI allows its clients to free up in-house resources to focus on the law firm’s marketing and business development strategies.

CATDI offers a full range of affordable, high quality services to law firms of all sizes, from the sole attorney’s office to law firms with hundreds of attorneys. The company considers legal services provided, the clientele, the geographic region served and what sets the law firm apart from others to create a detailed plan of action that will identify and guide all marketing goals to raise awareness about the firm.

“Law firm marketing not only involves advertising legal services, but serves as a comprehensive plan to raise awareness about the firm and convince individuals and businesses to choose its services,” CATDI Sales Manager Carlos deSantos said. “Every law firm needs a continual stream of clients, and most prospective clients look for counsel who not only have the specific expertise to handle their problem, but have been successful with similar cases.”

A law firm’s current client base remains one of the most influential audiences; CATDI builds a solid law firm marketing plan that continues to communicate with current clients while targeting a specific prospect base to turn prospects into clients. Legal websites are a key element of law firm marketing, and with today’s automated and convenient technology, there is no excuse not to have a website.

An integral part of the marketing plan, a law firm’s website works not only to attract visitors, but to convert them into clients. Therefore, it’s of utmost importance that the website delivers a professional first impression to potential clients, generating interest in the law firm while establishing and promoting the law firm’s image in a professional and credible manner.

CATDI’s comprehensive marketing plan includes the production of superior websites and marketing programs at the most affordable prices possible. The company positions law firms and their websites to professional present information about the firm and attract new clients. Using only the highest standards-based web design code.

CATDI designs legal websites that include search engine optimization and submission services, dynamic menu system and navigation, flash technology and media rich presentation, forward-compatibility for web browsers and internet technologies, contact form and information collection, and advanced XHTML, CSDS and XML.

“CATDI can assist your firm in creating and updating a professional website that will attract clients and convey your practice’s services,” de Santos said. “Our superior web design staff enables you to advance your law practice and increase your market exposure because clients have access to your firm 24 hours a day, thereby increasing your revenue stream. Plus our content management systems give your law firm the in-house ability to update adds and edits your website’s content.”

CATDI’s custom websites set law firms apart from the competition, and with its technical support, CATDI can produce reports tailored to inform law firms how many people visited the firm’s website, which pages were viewed and for how long, and which websites acted as referrals.

For more information on how your firm can engage clients and distinguish your law firm as a leader, contact CATDI at (713) 882-4629 or visit the company’s website at

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Carlos Alonso - I Love Everything Print!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing! Not all articles are created equal—the quality of writing depends on how much caffeine I had that day. As the owner of Catdi Printing, I'm here to help big and small businesses grow with effective print marketing. I look forward to working with you and helping you enhance your marketing skills and knowledge.Let's chat!Carlos