Direct Mail Postcards… Designing Your Mini Billboard

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Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Carlos Alonso

Direct Mail Postcards… Your Mini Billboard
One of the cheapest ways to do direct mail marketing is to use direct mail postcards by Catdi Printing.

We love direct mail postcards (simply put) and here are easy ways to get them designed.

Direct mail postcards are like mini billboards! They are great ways  to get receiver’s attention, so they will act on your marketing message. Be sure you always include as much contact information as you can, remembering that not everyone is online. Some do not have long distance phone service and others want to contact you through postal mail so having the right information is key.

Designing the Postcards
Add graphics or photos that are related to your promotion and use the same rules as you use for writing basic display ads. Direct mail postcards are one of the best bargains today in direct mail marketing and should never be overlooked! While we recommend that you have us or a professional graphic designer to design your piece there are free graphic design apps like Canva if you want to skimp of design.

In addition another great way to avoid a design fee is if you belong to a MLM program many times they will offer you postcards already designed for a small fee. You may have to add your own code to be sure you get credit when someone responds to the offer. If you plan to design your post card for a MLM program you belong to, be sure to get approval before you have them printed as some companies have rules regarding such creations. However our printing rates are more than likely cheaper….

When you design direct mail postcards yourself, be certain you use a size that fits into the guidelines of the postal service at You don’t want to have them too large unless you are willing to pay the higher postal rate. Don’t worry we can help with this. You can also design postcards with such programs as, Adobe, Ms Publisher, MyMailList, Print Shop and others.

Of course, your mailing list for your post cards is vital, and you can find out more about that by going to our mailing list website page.

It is very easy to attach your mailing labels and postage stamps to your new post cards while you are watching TV, waiting for an appointment or simply relaxing.One of the things to remember is to be consistent when you design your postcards. If you can only afford to mail out 500 a week that is okay! Just be sure to do it every week to be consistent and generate regular sales which means income for you!
Recommended Resources same price.

Be Patient…
Be sure to have some patience, as often people do not respond immediately to direct mail marketing, no matter what is being offered, or how. Also it may take the MLM you belong time to give your credit for your referrals. This gives you time to keep mailing and try different postcard designs to see which one works best for you!

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Carlos Alonso - I Love Everything Print!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing! Not all articles are created equal—the quality of writing depends on how much caffeine I had that day. As the owner of Catdi Printing, I'm here to help big and small businesses grow with effective print marketing. I look forward to working with you and helping you enhance your marketing skills and knowledge.Let's chat!Carlos