EDDM for small businesses makes a lot of sen$$E

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Last Updated on May 25, 2023 by Carlos Alonso

When you’re a small business looking to get noticed by residents of your town, city, or district, your priority has to be your marketing. Often, when you’re looking to be seen by those in your locality, who can visit your store or make use of your local services, digital marketing is a waste of your budget. That’s exactly why direct mail marketing services are so valuable for small businesses – and something that Catdi  Printing can help you with, from conception through to design and implementation. Below, learn how Catdi can help you get your direct mail marketing drive up and running in a simple, stress-free, and cost-effective way

How it Works

The emerging marketing field of EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) is proving to be hugely important for local businesses. An absolutely pivotal resource for those companies looking to get noticed by consumers in their area, this mode of mail marketing ensures that every household on every street that you want to receive your marketing communications receives them in the mail.

How? EDDM is down to a new service offered by the United States Postal Service (USPS). Catdi works in partnership with the USPS’s new marketing structure, in order to get your message, designed with us, into mailboxes in all of the zip codes that matter to you and your business. Delivering a streamlined, cost-effective, and hassle-free end-to-end delivery of your direct mail, Catdi is leading the country in delivering expert and professional EDDM materials for small businesses across the USA.

Your Business

When you’re considering sending out a letter, pamphlet, brochure, or flyer with your business’s details, you need to understand what your business will be investing in and what your return on your investment might be. At Catdi, we can provide a full-service printing and direct mail sending offer for as little as $0.185 per address for a jumbo postcard. At such low prices, you only need one in every thousand recipients to trade with your company in order to get a hefty return on your investment in EDDM.

Your business will also be free to design the right product to send, leaving the mailing list complexities to the United States Post Office and the specificities of the printing to Catdi. This makes our EDDM marketing offering one of the market leaders, leaving your staff to relax in the knowledge that your excellent, high-quality prints will be finding their way to properties in your area with the minimum of stress.

You Control Design

The most important element of the EDDM process that you’ll want to have control over is the design of your postcard, letter, or flyer. It’s likely that you have some branding and style guides already available within your business files, which means all that you’ll have to do to customize your EDDM marketing materials is to translate your brand design onto one of our ready-to-go templates. This means you can control:

Put together, this equals complete control over your EDDM output, which puts you in the driving seat for the most important part of your EDDM journey – but with some important pointers and templates offered from us at Catdi when you need them. 

Enjoy Speed and Ease

Because of Catdi’s expertise in the realm of printing and the USPS’s offer for EDDM, you’ll be able to get your marketing materials out as quickly as you’d like, with very little stress accompanying your drive to deliver thousands of letters or postcards to locals in your area. This is especially important if you’re trying to get locals to attend an event that’s swiftly approaching, or if you want them to take advantage of a deal that is soon to expire. 

With Catdi’s end-to-end delivery service offering a helping hand for the duration of your journey towards project completion, you’ll be best placed to deliver a seamless and professional marketing campaign in your area, at high speed, and to the highest quality. 

Devise Your Strategy

When you’re marketing to locals in your area, you want to be strategic about what you offer and where you offer it. You may wish to target affluent areas in your state or zip codes in which you know a certain demographic is likely to live. You will want to ensure that your letters are arriving on a specific date and that your message is tailored for the audience and the moment at which they receive your materials.

This is all part of the EDDM strategy that you can work out in conjunction with Catdi. By actively strategizing the delivery of your mailed marketing, you’ll be able to design the best possible flyer or postcard to send to the consumers you want to engage with most. Again, you hold the levers, you make the decisions, and Catdi will take care of the technicalities to realize your ambitions. 

Reap the Benefits

Now that you’ve devised your strategy, used a Catdi Printing template to make your marketing materials shine, and you’re ready for our team to press the send button, with the support of USPS your mail will head on through the postal service and into mailboxes across the zip codes that you’re most interested in accessing.

Now you can sit back and wait for the uptick in your business that this comparatively cheap letter-sending marketing drive will help you achieve. You’ll see an impressive boost in your custom, driven by returning to the public eye through the use of mailed marketing collateral. Many of our clients have experienced huge success in the Houston area, and we’re delighted to extend this service to all local businesses who want to re-establish themselves as the city’s go-to services and businesses for local consumers. In during like economic downturns due to the corona virus the EDDM program makes sense to utilize to grow your business.

With so many benefits to enjoy – and a large amount of control over how you deliver your marketing campaign – there’s no reason not to use Catdi’s EDDM offerings to put your brand in potential customers’ hands. 

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Carlos Alonso - I Love Everything Print!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing! Not all articles are created equal—the quality of writing depends on how much caffeine I had that day. As the owner of Catdi Printing, I'm here to help big and small businesses grow with effective print marketing. I look forward to working with you and helping you enhance your marketing skills and knowledge.Let's chat!Carlos