Not Sure Where To Start? Lets us Perform a Website Audit

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Last Updated on June 16, 2022 by Carlos Alonso

Dont worry… this is much less painful than an IRS audit but in order to move forward we do need to look under the hood. Whatever type of local business you may have – construction firm, a dental clinic, an auto shop, a coffee house, etc – your local business website needs to play a vital role in your digital marketing strategy and success. Therefore, you must ensure your local website is user-friendly, optimized and search-engine friendly. This is where an audit can come in and help see where we can improve yourA website with a user-friendly design that’s optimized for search engines can:

⦁ Spear through competition
⦁ Rank high on the search engine results pages (SERPs)
⦁ Generate targeted leads
⦁ Increase sales conversion ratio onsite and foot traffic in your local store

Game-Changing Local SEO Statistics

Let’s take a look at the statistics to see how local SEO makes a difference:
⦁ Approximately 1/3 of the shoppers in the US use the web daily to search for local businesses
⦁ 76 percent of the individuals who search for a local business via their phones visit the related business in 24 hours
⦁ Nearly 28 percent of the local searches lead to a purchase within 24 hours

Importance of Your Website and Local Audit

Local website auditing is crucial to ensure it is optimized for success. A local audit is a detailed analysis of the website. This analysis is conducted to assess for many reasons such as:
⦁ Assessing the performance of the off-page and on-page activities
⦁ Identifying structural problems with the website
⦁ Analyzing social media engagement and backlinks
⦁ Scanning keyword density
⦁ Examining duplicate content

Put simply, a local audit of your site is needed to determine its strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for long-term success. It helps you get accurate and actionable data on crucial areas of like:
⦁ Local listings
⦁ Local citation
⦁ Local search ranking and more

Once you have a detailed insight into the current health status of your site, you can revise your strategic marketing plan and include strategies to fill the gaps and tap opportunities to boost your local search engine ranking. This detailed analysis provides many ways to improve your website further to boost conversions and foot traffic. So, keep your website updated with the local audit.

The cost of a local SEO audit can start from $250 and go up to $5,000. However, with Catdi  you can get started for free. That’s right!

Catdi  provides a free tool for website auditing. It’s all you need to see where your website stands and how you can improve it to get better results. Our free tool will give you a good idea of what improvements you should make to stay ahead of the competition and boost revenues. Give us a call 713 882 4629 and we can arrange a through audit on your website

Catdi is a highly customer-focused company dedicated to providing business owners with the best website design services and free website and local audit tools to help them increase online visibility and performance. So, what are you waiting for? Download our tool for free and optimize your performance on local searches for your industry.

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Carlos Alonso - I Love Everything Print!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing! Not all articles are created equal—the quality of writing depends on how much caffeine I had that day. As the owner of Catdi Printing, I'm here to help big and small businesses grow with effective print marketing. I look forward to working with you and helping you enhance your marketing skills and knowledge.Let's chat!Carlos