What Are the Benefits of Custom Banners and Signs?

custom banners and signs

Last Updated on May 13, 2022 by Carlos Alonso

You’ve just opened your new bookstore, and you’ve got everything from comics to ornithology books. There’s even a cozy section filled with comfortable chairs for reading – but how do you advertise your shop? 

Your new business needs good marketing to attract a crowd. The problem is you’re not sure how to go about getting customers. You’re also not looking to spend too much money

You can use online ads, but what about custom banners and signs?

We’re used to being bombarded with advertisements online and on tv, but sometimes the old ways are best. A well-decorated banner can easily attract attention.

But there are other perks to using custom signs. We will discuss custom banner and signs benefits and some helpful custom banner and sign tips to help you with your business ventures. 

Below is our handy custom banners and signs guide. We’ll list plenty of reasons to consider using customizable signs for your business. 

You Can Use Banners and Signs Anywhere

Flyers are a helpful way to tell people about your goods and services. But, flyers don’t work too well outdoors unless they’re laminated – which may cost extra.

Theoretically, you could use an outdoor sign in your shop, but it might look strange. Online ads work very well as the average person spends about six hours a day on the internet.

However, online ads are made in ways that only function on the internet. A banner can hang indoors and outside without looking awkward.

You can place them anywhen that’s highly visible but out of potential customers’ way, and they’re not intrusive like some online advertisements sometimes are.

Custom Banners and Signs are Reusable

One helpful tip when making custom banners is choosing a durable material Vinyl is an excellent option to make a sign with because it’s less likely to tear and can withstand the elements better than laminated paper. 

A reusable custom sign helps cut advertising costs. Instead of constantly hiring a marketing team, you can take out your old banner and rehang it at conferences and trade shows. 

If you’ve made multiples of the same banners, they’re also handy in newly opened locations. 

Custom Banners and Signs Are Cheap

Effective business advertising often isn’t cheap. Newspaper ads, business cards, television commercials, online ads, and billboards are costly. A few banners will run you less than many other types of advertisement. 

You have to pay for the amount of time your commercial runs or the duration your billboard ad stays up. Many online platforms also charge you for advertising space.

Making a custom banner is a one-time cost, and you can keep it up as long as you want. 

Banners Don’t Have Size Restrictions

Most other advertisements have size restrictions. Flyers are often limited to the size of an average sheet of paper. Poster sizes depend on how much wall or window space you have. 

Custom banners and signs don’t have size restrictions. Your banner can be as small as a doorway entry or spread across each side of a skyscraper.

You can expect to pay more for giant banners, but it’s still nice to have the option of an enormous custom sign people can see for miles. And a large custom banner is still cheaper than renting billboard space. 

A Custom Banner Can Look However You Want

Technically, your custom banners and signs can look however you want. We say “technically” because advertising signs have to adhere to expectations of public decency. 

For example, things like nude photographs or offensive iconography are terrible ideas. Other than that, you can put whatever you want on your sign. High-resolution photographs, various colors, and fonts are all fair game. 

A good printing company will likely have a graphics team on staff you can work with to design striking custom signs that advertise your company brand. 

You can also design banners and signs in different shapes. For example, a graphics team could shape a bookstore banner like a book. Whatever you decide, you have your choice of unique, eyecatching banners and signs. 

Custom Signs Direct Foot Traffic

One custom banner and sign tip are to place them where people you want people to go. Putting a nice, shiny sign in your window can entice people enough to make them go inside. 

One advantage physical signs have over online ads is that a custom banner may better get people to your store. Online ads attract attention but may not get customers to your establishment. 

You can direct to certain events as well. If you’re having a fair or charity event, people may have better luck following your banners and signs than remembering online directions. 

Well-Designed Banners Generate Buzz

One of the best ways to drum up business is to catch potential customers’ eyes. A well-designed custom banner can go a long way toward getting people to talk about your business. 

You’ll want a unique banner that’s on-brand for your establishment. Ideally, your sign is bright, colorful, and interestingly shaped but still tells people what you sell with a single glance. 

It’s easy to attract attention with custom signs because they’re easy to install, and you can use them as long as you feel you need to.

People are more likely to go into a store with an exciting sign if only out of curiosity. They’re likely to remember where your store is and what you sell if they remember your banner. 

Want to Put Your Business Out There?

Hopefully, you found this custom banner and signs guide helpful. There are various benefits to using custom banners and signs. A custom sign will cost less than renting a billboard or newspaper ad space. 

Banners also have the advantage of reusability, and you can design them to look however you want.

If you want a beautifully designed vinyl banner, you can contact our team at Catdi Printing. We offer various commercial printing options and competitive pricing in nine locations across the US. 

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Carlos Alonso - I Love Everything Print!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing! Not all articles are created equal—the quality of writing depends on how much caffeine I had that day. As the owner of Catdi Printing, I'm here to help big and small businesses grow with effective print marketing. I look forward to working with you and helping you enhance your marketing skills and knowledge.Let's chat!Carlos