What Should You Include on a Business Card?

business card information

Last Updated on October 25, 2022 by Carlos Alonso

Don’t think you need a business card in today’s world when you can just take down someone’s information on your smartphone whenever you’re out and about? Think again! Statistics show that a company’s sales increase by 2.5% for every 2,000 business cards they print.

In short, business cards are still a powerful marketing tool, and there’s a lot to consider when creating your design. You might just include your name, job title, and contact information. But is that all you should be putting on your business card? 

When it comes to business card information, consider these ideas for what else to include to ensure your cards have the maximum impact on whoever receives them.

The Importance of a Professional Business Card

In the business world, first impressions are everything. You only have one chance to make a good impression on potential clients or customers, so you need to make sure that you put your best foot forward. 

One of the most important tools in making a good first impression is a professional business card

A well-designed business card communicates that you are professional, competent, and trustworthy. On a more practical level, it also provides potential clients with your contact information so that they can reach you if they need your services. 

While it might not seem like it, in today’s competitive business landscape, a professional business card can mean the difference between landing a new client and being passed over for someone else. 

If you’re serious about building your business, invest in a high-quality business card that will make a positive impression on everyone you meet.

Business Card Information: What to Include

All of that being said, a business card is only impactful if it features the right information and design. Beyond reflecting your business in a positive light, your business card should also contain some essential information.

If you’re not sure what kind of business card information to include then here’s a helpful breakdown of some basic business card contents.

Company Name

It goes without saying but your company’s name is one of the most important pieces of information to include on a business card. This will help people remember who you are and what your business is all about. 

Including your company name on your business card also makes it easy for people to find your business online and in directories. Make sure to spell out the full name of your business on your card so that there is no confusion about how it’s spelled or what you offer.

Company Tagline

Don’t feel like your business name alone conveys what you do or how you can help impact the bottom line of a potential client?

Company taglines are a helpful way to summarize what you do and why someone should care. Overall, taglines can be a valuable marketing tool, helping to create an instant association with your brand.

If you don’t have an official company tagline, consider creating one that is punchy and to the point. This can be especially helpful if your business name isn’t self-explanatory. 

Make sure the tagline is reflective of your brand identity. Keep it brief (ideally, no more than six words). And finally, make sure it’s easy to remember. It should be short enough to fit on your business card but memorable enough to make a lasting impression.

Name & Title

Your business card should include your name and job title.

Including your job title is also crucial, since it will remind people of your area of expertise. Make sure that your name and title are prominent on the card so that people can easily find and remember this important information.

In some cases, you may also want to include a headshot or other photo. For example, if you work in a client-facing position, a photo can help put a face to the name.

Contact Information

Contact information is key to a great business card. After all, it’s how most people will contact you, so you must include your email address and phone number. However you choose to incorporate your contact details, be sure to choose a font that’s clear and easy to read.

If you prefer one method of communication to another, make sure it is clear on the card. For example, if you prefer email communication, type your email address in a larger font than your phone number.

Social Media Handles

Social media has become a powerful tool for businesses in recent years. It’s a great way to connect with customers and attract new ones. If you’re active on social media, make sure to include your social media handles on your business card. 

Recognizable social media icons will help make it clear which platforms you’re active on. Just include your username next to the relevant social media icon (e.g., @YourName on Twitter). Simple and effective.

QR Code

Finally, consider using a QR code on your business card. You can use them to store everything from website URLs where people can find your list of services to contact information they can save straight to your phone.

Tips for an Effective Business Card

Putting the right contact information on your business card is only half the battle. You’ll want to ensure that the design is on point too. After all, this is the first impression someone will have of your brand. Here are some tips to make sure your business card stands out.

Keep Your Audience in Mind

When you are designing your business card, it is important to keep your audience in mind. Think about the following:

  • What will appeal to them? 
  • What information do they need? 
  • How can you make sure that your card stands out from the rest?

By keeping these questions in mind, you can design a business card that will appeal to your target audience. Remember, they’re the ones who are going to receive your cards.

Ensure the Design is On-Brand

It’s also important to ensure that the design of your business card is on-brand. This means that it should reflect the overall look and feel of your company website and other marketing materials. 

If your brand is modern and minimalistic, for example, your business card should be clean and uncluttered. Conversely, if your brand is more playful or whimsical, your business card can be more colorful and fun. 

By making sure that your business card design is on-brand, you can help ensure that potential clients have a positive first impression of your company that is consistent with your other marketing touchpoints.

Use Creativity to Stand Out

Think about what you can do to make your card different from the hundreds or thousands of other cards people receive each day. 

One way to be creative is to use special features like die-cuts, raised printing, foil accents, or unusual shapes. You can also choose a unique material for your card, like plastic, metal, or wood. 

Another way to make your business card stand out is to use bold colors or interesting fonts that grab attention. Regardless of how you do so, use your business card as an opportunity to showcase your brand and make a lasting impression on potential customers.

Keep It Simple

One of the important things to keep in mind when designing a business card is to keep it simple. A busy or complicated card can be off-putting and difficult to read, so it’s important to use a clean, straightforward design. 

The best business cards are easy to read and include only essential information. Keep the layout simple, use high-quality paper stock, and choose a font that is easy to read.

FAQs About Business Card Contents

Aside from questions about business card information and tips on business card design, here are some of the top questions we’ve received about professional business cards.

Does Your Business Card Need to Be Two-Sided?

That depends on a few factors. 

Firstly, what kind of business are you in? If you’re a freelancer or consultant, a one-sided card may suffice. However, if you’re part of a larger company, or if you have a lot of information you want to include on your card, a two-sided card may be a better choice. 

Secondly, what is your budget? Two-sided cards are typically more expensive than one-sided cards, so if cost is a concern, you may want to stick with a single-sided design. 

Finally, consider your branding. If you have a strong visual brand identity, a two-sided card can be a great way to showcase it. If you’re not sure whether a one-sided or two-sided card is right for you, ask a print marketing company for samples of both and see which style you prefer.

Does Your Business Card Need Textured Effects?

You might be surprised to learn that textured business cards are becoming increasingly popular. While a traditional matte or glossy finish can be perfectly fine for some businesses, others are looking for something that makes their cards stand out. 

Textured effects can add both visual interest and a sense of luxury, making them ideal for high-end businesses or those that want to convey a sense of sophistication. 

There are a variety of different textures that can be achieved, from a subtle linen finish to a raised embossed design. If you’re looking to make your business cards pop, adding a texture may be the way to go.

Does Your Business Card Need Color?

You can opt for a black and white business card, but if you want to make an impression, color is the way to go. People are more likely to remember a colorful business card, and it will make your card stand out from the rest.  

If you are in a creative field, or if you want to show that your company is modern and forward-thinking, a color business card is a great way to do it. 

Even if you’re not in a creative field, it’s a great idea to incorporate color. This can help ensure that you’re creating a memorable brand interaction while also taking advantage of color psychology and how that can impact whoever sees your card.

Does Your Business Card Need Social Media Handles?

Nowadays, it definitely is common for businesses to include their social media handles on their business cards. But what are the benefits of doing this? Does it really make a difference?

There are a few potential benefits of having social media handles on your business card. 

First, it can help people connect with your brand or business on a platform where they are already active. This can make it easy for them to follow you and stay up-to-date on your latest news and offerings. 

Additionally, including social media handles on your business card can show that your brand is “social media savvy” and up-to-date on the latest platforms and trends.

Ultimately, whether or not to include social media handles on your business card is a personal decision. There are pros and cons to consider. But if you do decide to include them, make sure to include handles for the platforms that are most relevant to your target audience.

Work With the Right Printing Company

Now that you know what kind of information to include on your business card it’s time to decide how you’ll print them. Working with the right printing company is essential when it comes to creating quality business cards. 

A good printing company will be able to advise you on the best paper and printing method for your needs, and will also be able to produce high-quality cards that accurately reflect your brand. 

One of the most important things to look for in a printing company is experience. Be sure to ask about their previous projects and clients, and try to get a sense of their level of experience. Another important factor to consider is the price. 

While you don’t want to sacrifice quality, it’s also important to find a company that fits your budget. By taking the time to find the right printing company, you can be sure that your business cards will make a lasting impression.

Get a Quote For Professional Business Cards

From business card design to business card printing, Catdi Printing can take care of it all for you. 

As a proud service provider to Texas-based businesses, we’ve been helping business owners in Houston and beyond enhance their print marketing efforts for years. We can help you make sense of what business card information to include and help you print high-quality cards.

Click here to get a quote for professional business cards or other printing and digital marketing services.

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Carlos Alonso - I Love Everything Print!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing! Not all articles are created equal—the quality of writing depends on how much caffeine I had that day. As the owner of Catdi Printing, I'm here to help big and small businesses grow with effective print marketing. I look forward to working with you and helping you enhance your marketing skills and knowledge.Let's chat!Carlos