What Type of Logo Is Best for Your Business?

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Last Updated on February 8, 2022 by Carlos Alonso

Most entrepreneurs find it difficult to choose a style that perfectly represents their business. Unfortunately, finding the right logo is among the crucial steps that determine success for startups and small business owners. Creating a perfect logo to represent your business may be overwhelming, especially if you don’t understand the influence different logo types have on your target audience. Below are five common logo types to consider for your business:

  1. Wordmark Logos
    Wordmark logos are easy to identify as they typically use a word as the focal point, often the company name. The success of Wordmark logos hinges on the creative selection of fonts and best for short business names. For companies with two-word names, both words can be stacked together.
    Without illustrations or symbols, text or typography becomes the primary centerpiece of Wordmark logos. Popular examples include Google, the New York Times, FedEx, and Coca-Cola.
  2.  Monogram Logos
    Monogram logos or lettermarks are best for companies with long names. Like wordmark logos, they rely on the chosen font but use the company’s initials or the first letter. Since the entire logo relies on initials, there is a lot of styling and creative use of the negative space to make the letter stand out.
    Monogram logos are naturally more compact than logos with images and appear well in small spaces. Interestingly, many people can identify popular companies using monogram logos, even without knowing the full names. For instance, IBM (International Business Machine), HBO (Home Box Office), and BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke).
  3. Combination Logos
    Combination logos are the most popular types; these logos feature a lettermark, wordmark, and symbol. Most businesses prefer combination logos for their flexibility. In these logos, the symbol often appears at the top, beside, or below the text.
    The symbol used should be an identifying element. For instance, most people immediately identify Nike from the iconic swoosh, despite not having any connection with the brand’s name. Some symbols, such as Apple’s logo, can directly reference the company.
  4. Emblem Logos
    Emblem logos are probably the oldest form of logos associated with companies or organizations with a long history. Most emblem logos feature vintage-styled typography inside a shape, often a circle. While these logos communicate finesse or prestige, they are less versatile, especially if you want to use them on your online platforms. They are intricate, and shrinking them down to fit business cards becomes tricky.
  5. Mascot Logos
    Mascots are common in schools, sports, and towns and can be used by brands looking to take advantage of customer loyalty. This is why some restaurants such as KFC and companies like Red Robin and Wendy’s have mascots in their logos. Mascot logos best suit companies that are still informal, and cannot use new faces to represent the brand.

Logos affect how customers perceive your business, which is why choosing a logo is a key step to business success. You should understand the pros and cons associated with each logo type before using it.In addition your logo will be placed on all your print collateral such as business cards, flyers, postcards, and t-shirts. With a decision on your preferred logo type, engage business logo design experts for professionally designed custom logos.

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Carlos Alonso - I Love Everything Print!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing! Not all articles are created equal—the quality of writing depends on how much caffeine I had that day. As the owner of Catdi Printing, I'm here to help big and small businesses grow with effective print marketing. I look forward to working with you and helping you enhance your marketing skills and knowledge.Let's chat!Carlos