7 Mistakes Businesses Make With Social Media and Direct Mail

Last Updated on July 8, 2021 by Carlos Alonso

If utilized properly Social Media and Direct Mail are the tools that can be invaluable for small businesses to a great extent. There are many marketing tips and secrets that can help you prevent common mistakes with these methods. Each company is different, with different goals, strategies, preferences, budget amounts, and other variables involved.

Too many brands treat social media as a one way, broadcast channels, rather than a two-way dialogue through which emotional storytelling can be transferred.

Source: Simon Mainwaring

If you own a small business then the affordability of social media accounts and direct mail marketing is unbeatable. Social media accounts are usually free to create; all it takes is some time, effort, and creativity on your part in order to draw people in. This marketing can be managed on even the smallest budget and it can be highly effective.

Direct mail is also a very affordable marketing method that can get results when this type of campaign is well thought out and carefully developed. Don’t limit yourself and your business by just using a single channel for marketing. The more channels you utilize the better the results can be and the more people you can reach and possibly convert.

1. Not Integrating Social Media and Direct Mail Strategies Together

Your strategy for both platforms can be integrated together, so that you get the best possible results and you allow potential consumers to decide how they want to connect with you. Some people prefer social media while others prefer mail, and integrating your efforts in both areas can help you increase your brand exposure and get your business noticed.

2. Not Using Proven Marketing Tips from Experts

There are many different marketing tips that cover both of these methods, and that discuss the importance of each one. Do some research and look for tips from experts who are well known in the marketing world so that you avoid some of the most common mistakes made by small business owners.

Vary your content type – photos and status updates typically get the highest reach.

Source: Mari Smith

3. Failing to Include Social Media in Mailing Materials

Carefully combining both of the social platforms can give you exceptional results from any campaign, and you should always make sure that your mailing materials include your available social media accounts. When the recipient sees your material, they have the option of going online and connecting with you right away.

4. Not Reaching People through Preferred Channels

Using both social media and direct mail offers a versatility that potential customers will appreciate. Marketing tips show that the different preferences each individual has will determine how they want to respond to you. Give them the option of reaching out or following you on social media and you may be surprised at the response rate that you get.

… small business owners are eager to embrace social media, but they’re going about it all wrong—and it’s creating real discontent.

Source: Meghan Casserly

5. Failing to Have Any Social Media Presence or Accounts

In the modern business world, social media and direct mail should go hand in hand. But that is not possible if you do not have social media accounts and profiles established. Set up your social media profiles far in advance, because accounts that are brand new are not as appealing to individuals and could reflect poorly on your business.

6. Not Offering the Same Promotions Through Social Media and Direct Mail Channels

When you combine your social media and direct mail efforts and you follow the best marketing tips you will realize the importance of offering the same promotions through all of these methods. If you send a promotion through direct mail but do not include it for your social media followers then you could be missing potential customers.

7. Not Keeping Social Media Profiles Up to Date

Before you integrate social media and direct mail for your small business make sure that your social media profiles are current and up to date. To a potential customer nothing looks worse than visiting your Facebook page or Twitter account and seeing that it was last updated six months ago. This could cost you sales instead of boosting them.

Have you made any of these small business social media and direct mail mistakes? If so what happened?

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Carlos Alonso - I Love Everything Print!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing! Not all articles are created equal—the quality of writing depends on how much caffeine I had that day. As the owner of Catdi Printing, I'm here to help big and small businesses grow with effective print marketing. I look forward to working with you and helping you enhance your marketing skills and knowledge.Let's chat!Carlos