COVID Business Card Special 2021

Business Cards Still Work!

Last Updated on April 15, 2024 by Carlos Alonso

Order Business Cards for 2021

Now Catdi offers a 10% Discount through December 31st, 2020

With so many businesses operating virtually this year, you may have forgotten to reorder business cards. After all, with social distancing practices, and with so many employees working from home, most business owners were not handing out cards at networking functions or face-to-face meetings. Even so, however, the importance of the business card has not gone away, and the time will come soon when we all will need to hand them out again.

The most important reason to have business cards on hand is to motivate potential customer. If you think that electronic media has made cards obsolete, please think again. Just how many text messages does the average person receive in a day? How many emails? How many private social media messages? More than likely, the answer is the same for almost everyone— “Too many.” The fact of the matter is that electronic communications are so overused that it is very hard for anyone to stand out from their competitors when relying exclusively upon digital communications.

That’s why print media continues to play an important role in advertising. People must physically handle things like envelops, postcards, and letters. While they may consider many of these items “junk mail,” they typically tend to set aside anything that looks professionally designed and/or highly unique. If nothing else, curiosity drives the person to keep the item so he or she can take a second look. The same principle applies to a business card dropped in the mail. Because it is printed on card stock and not flimsy paper, and because it has a design that makes it stand out, the recipient typically puts it in a special place rather than throwing it away.

Because of this fact, Catdi makes it a point to offer customized design services to all customers who order business cards from our print shop. We are quite candid with the fact that we are not a source of cheap business cards. We do not attempt to compete with many of the online order services that many of you have tried in the past, nor do we try to compete on price with some of the office supply stores that offer discount cards in small quantities. This is because business cards create more than a first impression of your business. Sometimes they are the ONLY impression a customer has. It is important that this impression be positive, lasting, and generate a response from the recipient.

In order to make a lasting impression, it is imperative that your business cards function support your overall brand. Many articles will tell you that the primary purpose of a business card is to communicate your contact information. This is only partly true. As important as it is for customers to see your phone number, website, and email, it will do you little good if your business card looks plain, or, even worse, boring at first glance. A recipient may put a such a business card aside as a matter of habit, but if fails to catch her or his eye, the likelihood of that card getting any further attention is minimal at best.

On the other hand, a full color business card that prominently displays your logo will cause the recipient to take note of your brand in the same way that a billboard, full-page advertisement, or even a bright product label will do. The recipient is more likely to pick up your card again because the imagery of the card sticks in his or her mind. If your contact information is clearly visible and easy to read, the chances of generating an inbound lead are much higher that you could expect from less prominent colors, standard fonts, and rudimentary graphics.

While we realize that our business card printing is not the least expensive on the market, we also recognize that the COVID-19 pandemic has placed many businesses on a tight budget. In response to this, we are offering a 10% discount on all business card orders placed before December 31st of 2020. We are also offering business card printing without a minimum quantity. For those of you who only need a few cards for selective recipients, this represents an additional savings because you can order only what you need right now until things return to normal after the current crisis passes.

While we may continue to work from home for the time being, it is important to have some cards on hand and ready to pass out after the current crisis passes. If you have an existing design that has proven effective, we can reproduce it. If you want a better design than you have had in the past, we can work with you on design costs so you can make the very best impression possible when the time comes. Call Catdi now for a free design consultation and quote. You won’t regret it, because you will be ready when the time comes.

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Carlos Alonso - I Love Everything Print!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing! Not all articles are created equal—the quality of writing depends on how much caffeine I had that day. As the owner of Catdi Printing, I'm here to help big and small businesses grow with effective print marketing. I look forward to working with you and helping you enhance your marketing skills and knowledge.Let's chat!Carlos