New USPS Postage Rates Increases

pexels liza summer 6348060

Much like everything else…the postage rates are going up effective July 9th Sadly, these cost increases will effect all of our clients that use direct mail marketing services. However with this being said we are holding our printing services  and mail processing costs at the same rate to help offset any postage increases. Catdi Printing is here to help mitigate our clients thru these rate increases. Give us a call today at 713 882 4629 and we can come up with a plan to help navigate which options are best for your direct mail campaign.

Postage Office will be increasing most Postage Rates Effective July 9th, 2022


First Class Letter rate with Stamps:

2 Cent Increase = $0.60 for 1 oz or less

6 Cent Increase = $0.84 over 1 oz but less than 2 ounces

*Approx. 3.5% Increase


First Class Flat Size rate with Stamps:

4 cent Increase = $1.20 for 1 oz or less

8 cent Increase = $1.44 over 1 oz but less than 2 ounces

12 cent Increase = $1.68 over 2 oz but less than 3 ounces

*Approx. 4% Increase


Marketing Standard Letter Rate = are increasing an Average of $0.016 ( 1.6 cents )

Non Profit Letter Rate = are increasing an Average of $0.006 ( 0.6 cents  little over ½ cent )

*Letter size Rate Postage going up Approx. 6%


Marketing Standard Flat Rate = are increasing an Average of $0.03 ( 3 cents )

Non Profit Flat Rate = are increasing an Average of $0.03 ( 3 cents)

**Flat size Rate Postage going up Approx. 6.5%


EDDM for Clients who mail BMEU WSS:

Marketing = are increasing $0.012 ( 1.2 cents )

Non Profit = are increasing $0.008 ( 0.8 of a cent little less than 1 cent)

** Postage going up Approx. 7.5%


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Carlos Alonso - I love everything print!

Contrary to popular belief i wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing. Not all articles are created equal. The quality of writing being dependent on the level of caffeine i had that day. Look forward to working with you and helping you grow your marketing skills/knowledge.Lets chat!Carlos