How Sponsoring A Scholarship As a Local Business Can Generate Sales and Goodwill From The Community

Last Updated on January 19, 2023 by Carlos Alonso

We at Catdi Printing believe that you can both help others and at the same time help your business. In fact this is the very reason we created our on Catdi Printing Sponsorship. Our specific sponsorship is geared those that are interested in getting a graphic design or a multi-media degree. Sponsoring a scholarship for a local business can be a great thing to do and it can also help business. Not only will you most likely have the business of the family that have members that have earned the scholarship but also have created a positive image in the community. This is a great marketing opportunity as the scholarship can be associated with helping the community, getting outstanding grades, or a combination of positive factors. This by association can allow the business to be viewed with all of these values. The following are ways that sponsorship a scholarship as a local business is just an all-around great thing to do for business and as a local staple of the community.

Advertising the Scholarship

Market and advertise the scholarship so local students can start working towards it. If you have a website it might make sense to dedicate a page or a post about the specifics of the scholarship.  Presentation is very important and you want to build trust. You want to use a professional marketing firm to make flyers and brochures like Catdi Printing :). Refusal to use a professional company can reflect poorly on the company that is providing the scholarship. This can even look illegitimate in some cases as there are far too many pranks like fake scholarship websites. Reach out to principals at local high schools to help get the word out as well. Getting high school students talking about a great opportunity like this can really spread to their parents as well as those in their social circle.

Local Media Attention

The local media loves a company that gives back to the local community regardless of the size of the donation, scholarship, or cost to sponsor a cleanup. Printing companies that are not active in the community and might be a part of a national chain might not have the recognition of a locally based business. People in the community have used this business and some might have worked there at one point or another. Reach out to local media outlets to help spread the word of the scholarship as it will act as free advertising as well as get the word out. Be ready if you are the founder of the business to be interviewed though as a shaky interview can make the media attention less effective as far as boosting sales or goodwill.

Local businesses should give back to the community that support them but it can be a mutually beneficial arrangement when offering a scholarship. Take the time to see what your local community values and offer a scholarship in your company’s name as it will have a great ROI even if done out of charity.

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Carlos Alonso - I Love Everything Print!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing! Not all articles are created equal—the quality of writing depends on how much caffeine I had that day. As the owner of Catdi Printing, I'm here to help big and small businesses grow with effective print marketing. I look forward to working with you and helping you enhance your marketing skills and knowledge.Let's chat!Carlos