Website Slow? It’s Time to Redesign Your Website

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Last Updated on June 12, 2022 by Carlos Alonso

Regardless of how great your services may be, if your local business website fails to showcase your expertise in the best light, you’ll never get the foot traffic or consultation requests you expect. Therefore, you should ensure your website is top-notch in performance and functionality.

One of the best ways to improve site performance is to redesign it. However, if you’re still unsure whether you should revamp your site, here are some surefire signs that can help you make an informed decision.

Sure-Fire Signs That it’s Time to Redesign Your Website

⦁ Your Website is Slow

If your website takes time to load, you should know it’s a red flag. Remember that time is of the essence. Hence, speed matters. Your website’s loading speed determines potential patients’ decision on whether to stick around or bounce off to your competitor’s site.

Simply put, the load time is not just a matter of preference. It can make or break a site. Indeed, it has a considerable impact on the site’s success. Slow websites kill views and conversions.

The longer your  website loads, the more your prospects will likely bounce off. A high bounce rate tells the search engines that your site is not effectively supporting your business and bringing in potential clients. Hence, your ranking is also likely to fall.

Ideally, a good functioning website should load in three seconds. Here are some statistics that show how a slow business website can hurt your business:
⦁ 1 in four visitors abandon a site that takes over 4 seconds to load
⦁ 46 percent of users will never revisit a poor performing/slow website
⦁ 64 percent of users dissatisfied with a website visit will go elsewhere for the same services
⦁ 1 percent delay can lower customer satisfaction by 16 percent

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⦁ Your Website Has a Visually Outdated or Stale Design

Internet users today want the best visual experience. They will not click or browse your site if they find the design/layout boring and visually unappealing. So, it is time for a revamp if you got a website designed a decade ago. Catdi is a leading and Houston based SEO provider that can help get your website’s speed up.

Your online business can’t afford to lose prospects because of a visually outdated design. Make a lasting impression on your prospects with a highly-functional and well-designed website that meet the demands of today’s website user. Catdi offers amazing wordpress design and fast hosting services.

In today’s era, when prospects are likely to visit your site from multiple devices, it makes sense to invest in a responsive design. A responsive website provides the ultimate visual experience across devices and platforms. Its fluid design ensures the site loads according to the visitor’s screen size to deliver the best user experience and visual display.

⦁ Your Site is Text Heavy and Not Up-to-Date

It’s said that content is the king, and we couldn’t agree more. Your local website will likely get prospects hooked and engaged if you have crisp, high-quality informational content. However, along with this, you need to ensure you also keep the content up-to-date. This helps:
⦁ Bring more traffic to your site
⦁ Build trust between you and your site users
⦁ Makes you come across as an authority in the industry
Besides this, search engine crawlers love to crawl updated content. This further helps improve your website ranking for your industry searches.

However, when curating content for your site, it is vital to ensure that it is relevant yet engaging. Too much text can make site users lose interest and walk away, and that is definitely something you don’t want. So, if your site is text-heavy, you need to redesign it to mix things up and ensure the layout is crisp and easy to browse through.

⦁ Your Site is Hard to Update

If you face severe difficulty updating the content on your site like a picture, new copy or maybe when adding a new page, you might want to get your site redesigned. A hard to update website means you will never be able to keep up with the industry trends and audience needs.

Moreover, require professional assistance every time you want to make changes. Therefore, consider getting your site redesigned with an easy-to-use CMS so you can easily update and make changes to your site when needed.

So, if you are ready to redesign your site, get in touch with us. We are a leading Houston SEO design company specializing in website design services. We can provide you with a highly-functional and responsive website according to your business needs and goals. Let us help showcase your services in the best possible way.

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Carlos Alonso - I Love Everything Print!

Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't born in a vat of magenta ink. Hope you enjoy the content on Catdi Printing! Not all articles are created equal—the quality of writing depends on how much caffeine I had that day. As the owner of Catdi Printing, I'm here to help big and small businesses grow with effective print marketing. I look forward to working with you and helping you enhance your marketing skills and knowledge.Let's chat!Carlos